An exceptional tetradrachm of Baydād
Los 166
KINGS OF PERSIS. Baydād (Bagadat), early 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 29 mm, 16.99 g, 5 h), Istakhr (Persepolis). Head of Baydād to right, with short beard, mustache, and earring, wearing kyrbasia with flaps tied behind. Rev. ܮ𐡇𐡄𐡅ܮ / 𐡁𐡂𐡃𐡕 𐡐𐡓𐡕𐡓𐡊ܮ𐡅𐡆 / 𐡁𐡂𐡅𐡅𐡕 Fire-temple of Ahura-Mazda; to left, King standing right, his hands raised in adoration; to right, standard. Alram 515 (same dies). K&M 2/3 var. (differing reverse legend). Sunrise 560 var. (differing reverse legend). Rare and among finest known examples. Sharply struck on an exceptionally broad flan, a spectacular coin with a wonderful portrait. Faint graffito on the obverse and with very minor traces of overstriking, otherwise, extremely fine.

The tetradrachms of Baydād are usually poorly struck from worn dies and often show signs of overstriking. This piece, however, is quite stunning: not only is it in a remarkable condition, but the exceptionally broad flan gives it a remarkably medallic aspect. It is certainly among the best tetradrachms of Baydād known
15000 CHF
12000 CHF
14000 CHF
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